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Each year TREX Regional Exchanges Oy hosts a seminar on topical Internet routing issues. The seminar is called "TREX Workshop <YEAR>". The last section of the seminar, titled "Tampere Peering Forum", contains lightning talks where participants can e.g. introduce themselves and their peering policies or spark up interesting topics of discussion for the evening. The seminar is followed by an evening of networking with top notch experts from various providers and vendors.

TREX Workshops are free and open to anyone, even if the intended audience is Internet access and hosting providers. This has enabled us to attract experts from all over Europe. The atmosphere is casual and warm, as is the evening sauna in that finest Finnish tradition of networking events.

FICIX has been co-hosting the TREX Workshops for several years and as more IXPs in the region are becoming interested in the events, we've decided to rename them nog.fi meetings in 2019. See the nog.fi website for more info.

Past Topics

FICIX and TREX hosted the tenth TREX Workshop 2018 on global routing security and automation issues on Friday the 15th of June 2018.

FICIX and TREX together hosted the ninth TREX Workshop 2017 on internetworking challenges. There were 93 registered attendees.

The TREX Workshop 2016 topics were Cyber Security Solutions and Data Centre Talent. The event was hosted in co-operation with FICIX and DIGITICE. There were 86 registered attendees.

There was an interesting presentation on Multicast TV Distribution in Bulgaria and another one on Overlay Networking in Linux with Openstack Neutron at the TREX Workshop 2015. There were 77 registered attendees. We've made a note that Tuesday is a bad day for attendance.

There were varied presentations on internetworking and cloud networking challenges at the TREX Workshop 2014. This was the first seminar where we announced that it was going to be streamed live in advance. There were 94 registered attendees.

TREX Workshop 2013 had the following topics: DWDM/CWDM and ISP tools. The ISP tools section was liked so much that we will endeavour to find presentations on this topic every time from now on. There were about 85 visitors.

The TREX Workshop 2012 featured the following topics: Data Centres and The World IPv6 Launch Aftermath. The venue was filled to the brim and we will have to find a bigger venue next year. There were about 75 visitors.

The workshop in 2011 concentrated on Internet infrastructure security. Presentations covered topics such as prevention of IPv4 address hijacking and securing the Domain Name Service system (DNS). There were about 65 visitors in Kehräsaari, Tampere.

TREX Workshop 2010 was about virtualization in an ISP environment and new IPv6 transition techniques. There were interesting presentations on virtualizing desktops, switches and even routed networks. This time the event was held at Tampere University of Technology. There were about 50 visitors.

The first TREX Workshop in 2009 zeroed in on multi-exit BGP. Finland had had only one city with IXPs and the emergence of new IXPs in Tampere and Oulu were creating headaches for national operators who were unsure how to handle traffic flows and network engineering in this new environment. TREX also celebrated its 5th anniversary, which had actually been the year before. The event was held in the Hermia 1 Auditorium in Hervanta, Tampere and there were about 40 visitors.

Instructions for Presenters

All presentations should be in English and they will be made available on the web in both PDF and video format. Please don't include any confidential materials in your presentations.

We want the PDFs in advance, so that people watching the live streams can follow presentations on their own screens. The presentations won't be made public until the presentation actually begins.

Some presentations are given by sponsors and some are given by IXP or community members. Non-sponsors aren't allowed to talk about how great their company or product is, because that wouldn't be fair to those organizations that have opted to sponsor the event.

Instructions for Lightning Talks

The lightning talks can actually be about anything you like. As an example, in 2011 there was one talk about route servers and another talk about the PeeringDB.

If you prepare slides for a lightning talk, a good rule of thumb is that the presentation shouldn't be longer than about three to five slides. Bring your slides to the organizers during one of the breaks.

Sponsorship Packages

Community Sponsorship Package
1500 EUR + VAT
  • logo visible at the venue
  • table in the lobby for stickers, atlas probes and T-shirts
  • 20 minute community talk slot
Vendor Sponsorship Package
1500 EUR + VAT
  • logo visible at the venue
  • space for a roll-up banner in the lobby
  • table in the lobby for marketing material or a demonstration
  • may bring lanyards for attendee badges
  • 20 minute presentation slot
Network Sponsorship Package
Free, but only available to one existing TREX Member per event
  • logo visible along with all other TREX Members
  • space for a roll-up banner on stage
  • have to provide a layer 2 transport service for two VLANs between the TREX switch and the TREX Workshop venue
You should subscribe to the EWS mailing list to be eligible as a sponsor. Other sponsorship packages are also negotiable.

©2003-2012 TREX Tampere Region Exchange Oy, ©2012-2025 TREX Regional Exchanges Oy