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[PDF]Agreement Documents

The agreements are only available in Finnish right now. We will provide translations if the need arises upon request.

We have strived to make the basic agreement as generic as possible, so that we can use the same agreement with research members and peering members. The agreement is varied with appendices that outline the specifics of the services being agreed upon.

Appendix A outlines the administrative requirements for members. They don't vary all that much. The style of differences are that non-peering members don't need to make peering related contacts available. You should fill Member Information Template and either include it in the agreement or send it to your contact at TREX. An example of Appendix D is included with Appendix A. Appendix D describes additional and secondary services. Service descriptions from the services' pages can be included in Appendix D.

Appendix B describes the technical requirements for the member. The technical requirements for each service are listed on its service description page.

Appendix C describes the primary services. Service descriptions from the services' pages are included here.

Appendix E states the service levels associated with the services. These don't change much from member to member. Terms of payment are in Appendix F. An example of Appendix F is included with Appendix E.

Appendix G lists service fees.

Appendix H contains the standard Finnish general terms of contract in the information and communication technology industry, also called IT2000 YSE.

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