TREX is pleased to host a workshop on Internet infrastructure security together with sponsor Alcatel-Lucent. The workshop will be held on Friday the 16th of September 2011 at Villa Vintti in Kehräsaari in Tampere from 12:00 to 17:00 and will continue as a networking event in their sauna department.
Here is a small slide show of what you should see when you
walk from the Tampere railway station to Villa Vintti
which is the venue for the TREX Workshop 2011:
Just walk straight along the main street until you
come to the Tammerkoski rapids.
We apologize for the construction projects.
You're supposed to walk PAST the hotel:
We apologize for the unsightly construction projects.
We apologize for tacky advertisement placement.
Cross the bridge over Tammerkoski.
So you enter this door, cross the small hall
and ascend the stairs to the top floor:
There are some historical scenes on the walls
in the stairwell.